(334) 673-7697

Weight Loss Services

Weight Loss

dothan weight loss

Accountability & Support

Accountability & Support Each patient is assigned a health coach to help you develop healthy, life-long habits so you understand what is needed to keep weight off for life without worrying about cutting calories or killing yourself at the gym.


Based on your body chemistry and metabolism, as well as lifestyle, we will design an easy-to-follow meal plan that is sustainable for long term success!

Metabolic Analysis

As part of your evaluation we order labs that will help you identify and correct any medical barriers that could be keeping you from losing weight.

Weight Loss

At Allen Weight and Cosmetic long-term or permanent weight loss can only be achieved through adoption of a healthy lifestyle. There is no other way. Losing excess body fat and maintaining the weight loss involve more than following short-term diets. Weight loss is the added benefit of becoming healthy and fit by making smart choices on a daily basis. These choices include selection of low-calorie and low-fat foods, participation in regular or daily exercise, reduction or elimination of adverse habits, maintenance of adequate sleep hygiene, and adoption of stress-reducing strategies. Carrying excess body fat (overweight or obese) will significantly increase the risks of heart disease, diabetes (high blood sugar), hypertension (high blood pressure), low back pain, degenerative changes in the knees and ankles, gall bladder disease, gastric reflux disease (heartburn and other complications), some obstructive lung diseases, sleep apnea and some cancers.

In addition to the health concerns, the cosmetic effects of obesity may result in low self esteem or may become a source of anxiety, stress, depression, embarrassment or ridicule.

You may have tried every quick-fix weight loss scheme on the market, and you may have even achieved temporary success. Chances are, you kept off the pounds for a short time and may have gained back even more weight over the longer term. When faced with lifestyle changes, long term success in weight loss and management depends upon desire, motivation and commitment. Learn to make smart choices for yourself and your family.

The staff at Weight Management Clinic is ready to assist you in getting started on your program of weight reduction and long-term improvement in health.


Allen Weight And Cosmetic

Cosmetic procedures do more than just improve the appearance. Enhancing one’s natural beauty helps people develop a positive self-image and boost self-confidence, leading to an overall better quality of life.

Our Studio

Cosmetic Call (334) 673-7697
Weight Loss (334) 671-1694

105 N Pontiac Ave # 1
Dothan, AL 36303

Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday: 8 am - 4.00 pm